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Diaguru Orbital Shaker (d-SHAKE)

• Platform shaker with true Orbital and Linear reciprocating motion for shaking mass upto 7.5 kg
• Powerful BLDC Motor and Microprocessor Controlled for Smooth operations and constant speed.
• Timer ranging from 1 min to 99 hours and 59 minutes
• User Friendly and Programmable: User can save upto 6 programs with each program having 9 sub
programs, Set motion direction (Clockwise and Counter clockwise), speed, time dwell time,
sequence and loop operation
• Different platform attachments makes it possible to use almost all shapes and sizes of vessels
• Option for auto power On (in case of power failure) ?? Resumes operation for the remaining time


Categories: Equipment

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 DOS10P / 20P

Product NameCat #Details
DOS10PDOSP-1000Platform Shaker with 10 mm orbital motion
DOS10PDOSP-1001Platform Shaker with 10 mm orbital motion along with RS 232
DOS10PDOSP-1010Platform Shaker with 10 mm linear motion
DOS10PDOSP-1011Platform Shaker with 10 mm linear motion along with RS 232
DOS20PDOSP -2000Platform Shaker with 20 mm orbital motion
DOS20PDOSP -2001Platform Shaker with 20 mm orbital motion along with RS 232
DOS20PDOSP -2010Platform Shaker with 20 mm linear motion
DOS20PDSOP-2011Platform Shaker with 20 mm linear motion along with RS 232
DOSUA-ABUniversal AttachmentUniversal base with adjustable bars

Plate with slip resistance matDOSP ?? DA01??
Funnel AttachmentDOSP ?? FA 01??
Base Plate for Plastic clampDOSP -PPCBase plate of 9 plastic clamps
Set of 9 x 250 ml Plastic clampDOSP -PS-250??
Set of 9 x 500 ml Plastic clampDOSP -PS-500??
Plastic clamp for 250 mlDOSP -SPC-11 Plastic clamp ?? 250 ml
Plastic clamp for 500 mlDOSP -BPC-11 Plastic clamp ?? 500 ml
Base plate for SS clamps 250 mlDOSP -SSP-250Base plate of SS clamp for 250 ml and smaller
Set of 9 x 250 ml SS clampDOSP -SS-250??
Set of 13 x 150 ml SS clampDOSP -SS-150??
Set of 13 x 100 ml SS clampDOSP -SS-150??
Stainless steel clamp for 100 ml flaskDOSP -SC-100Single clamp to hold 100 ml flask
Stainless steel clamp for 150 ml flaskDOSP -SC-150Single clamp to hold 150 ml flask
Stainless steel clamp for 250 ml flaskDOSP -SC-250Single clamp to hold 250 ml flask
Base plate for SS clamps 500 mlDOSP -SSP-500Base plate of SS clamp for 500 ml and higher
Set of 9 x 500 ml SS clampsDOSP -SS-500??
Set of 5 x 1000 ml SS clampsDOSP -SS-1000??
Stainless steel clamp for 500 ml flaskDOSP -SC-500Single clamp to hold 500 ml flask
Stainless steel Clamp for 1000 ml flaskDOSP -SC-1000Single clamp to hold 1000 ml flask

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